Corrugated City

Monday 3 March 2008

Smoky Valparaiso

Yesterday afternoon at three o'clock, a forest fire started near Quintay, a fishing village about 30 km from Valparaiso. The dark cloud of smoke started edging towards Valparaiso yesterday evening and, today, the city is completely cloaked in a thick smog and there are now ashes raining down like snowflakes. It's starting to give me a headache.

Around 1500 hectares of forest have so far been affected but, luckily, the fire is not threatening any residential areas. A change in the wind could change all that. It's been predicted that the fire will rage for at least another couple of days. The entire Cuerpo de Bomberos de Valparaiso has been called into action, so I really hope there's not another fire here in the city or we'll really be in trouble...

The view up Calle Templeman, Cerro Concepcion.

Looking down towards the port from Avenida Errazurriz (I can never remember how to spell this word).

View up towards the Cemeteries.


Allison Azersky said...

It's interesting to hear that its giving you a headache as well. Hopefully it clears soon...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Hard to believe that only a few days before me leaving, Valpo was nice and sunny and now its covered in ash...I think its spelt Errazuriz - an 'r' too many!


Terrible Pollo said...

Good blog one of the most attractive cities in Chile.

Saludos desde la vecina Viña!!