Today, the 21st May is the Chilean Navy's most important day. The date celebrates the supposedly heroic actions of our old friend
Arthur Prat. Against impossible odds the obvious happened. Arthur died along with everyone else on his ship. I quite honestly cannot work out why the hell they made a hero out of a guy that lead his entire crew to their deaths. He should have been posthumously court-martialled and his crew's families compensated for their completely pointless deaths...His name is rather apt: A Prat. The girlf prefers
Condell . She's not alone among Chileans in thinking that Prat gets more credit than he deserves.
Anyway, the date is marked by a big naval parade here in the Plaza Sotomayor and a presidential speech down the road in Congress.. It's quite an important event. Here are some photos.

The police look on, clearly jealous of the Navy Cadets' shiny blue uniforms.

And although they've got nothing to do with the armed forces, Los Caribineros de Chile also got to parade. In these photos you can see both Caribineros and Caribineras-the guys got to march with rifles. Obviously, women can't be trusted with big guns...

For some reason that i couldn't fathom, the Chilean equivalent of the cowboy or gaucho-el huaso- also got all dressed up and took a stroll with the Navy and the Pacos.

After the parade we went to have lunch in a little hole in the wall tapas bar that we've walked past dozens of times. It's called Urriola 383. The address is Urriola 383. It's quite a cool place-the food was good but not spectacular. We had Papas Bravas, bruschettas of capresse (tomato, goats cheese and basil) and also spanish chorizo along with a carnitas asadas-thin strips of beef. It ended up costing 11,000 pesos (us$20) including a couple of soft drinks, which i thought a bit pricey for what we got. Still, the atmosphere was nice so we'll probably go back at some point and try some of the other stuff on the menu. If you go, make sure the owner's daughter isn't around-she pushed me out of my seat and started eating our food...