Corrugated City

Monday 25 February 2008

Reader who emailed me on Saturday-I deleted your message by accident...

So if you're the reader who emailed me on Saturday-you read this blog, you're married to a Chilean girl and you're interested in the loft conversions in Valparaiso we're doing-please can you send me another message. I only got to read half of it and I didn't even see your name. I deleted the message by accident and when I was trying to get the message out of the trash I proceeded to delete it permanently. I might have had a tipple. Anyway, hope to hear back from you soon...


Anonymous said...

I just sent you my email again. Check your inbox.

Anonymous said...

You were standing on the street corner wearing polkadot tights and too much makeup. I was waving a wad of 20's but you wouldn't look over. The light turned green and the cars behind me started honking. At the last moment, your eyes caught my eyes, but it was too late I was forced onto the on-ramp and there was no turnoff for miles.

Emily said...

I saw that you do real estate work...I work for, which is a website where people post Needs (often looking for properties) and get offers from companies that are signed up with us. I definitely don't mean to spam you with my work, but if you're interested in another possible way to get clients, check us out - although I don't know if you work with Chileans or mainly foreigners. Any questions shoot me an e-mail at emily at needish dot com. Thanks!

Matt said...

Don't worry about spamming-if you're not Omar Cruz, then i go quite lightly on this kind of thing :)

Anyway, i checked out the website-it's a pretty good idea...but not the kind of thing we're looking to do. How'd you get involved in that anyway? I'm sure there are quite a few people out there wanting to know how to get a job that isn't teaching english...