As with most natural disasters, law and order after the 1906 earthquake here in Valparaiso was somewhat lacking. For this reason, the local authorities gave the order for looters to be executed on the spot. These guys were unlucky enough to be caught. You've got to love the mob justice. It's just like the Festival de Viña when they boo artists so much they cry and run off stage :)

This person looks no older than 14 or 15. And given that he's surrounded by gawping children, it suggests that he wasn't older than 14 or 15...

I found your blog online - fun stuff.
I work for Revolver - an English-language entertainment magazine based in Santiago.
We have a lot of useful information (restaurant reviews, events calendar, arts and culture...etc.) for expats, tourists and residents in Chile.
Is there any way you could post a link to our website ( on your blog?
Let me know what you think.
Interesante...desperate times called for desperate actions...definitely not politically correct these least in the Northwest Hemisphere...making an example of a few probably stopped many...I wouldn't want the task though. I understand in some countries in the Middle East the chop shops are still open for business...if you get caught stealing you can lose a hand, arm, and leg...depending on the number of occurrences...not a pretty thought...but you keep your humane...
As the millions killed by british in Asia,Africa,America,etc...or executed by the crime,nor an eye for an eye(Talion law) is as bloody as colonization...looters.
What??? Where??? When??? Why???
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