So I'm back after an absence of almost a month. I'm sure you're missed me.
I got back just before new year. I had a great time in England, catching up with friends and family-the usual kind of stuff. Lots of eating, drinking and the like.
I had a bit of a nightmare when Lan lost my bag on the flight back (after cancelling my original flight and sending me on an awful journey London-Madrid-Lima-Santiago). They then spent three entire days lying to me about when I'd get the bag back and where it was. I won't bore you with the details but I was extremely pissed off to say the very least and I'm expecting some serious compensation...
Anyway, New Year here in Valparaiso was spectacular. I had a party at my house which went off extremely well except for when a piece of my staircase fell off and hit a friend on the head and leg around 2am. A rather large step that had worked its way loose. Not good. Fortunately, it turned out not to be too serious but at the time it was pretty scary. I felt bad enough to have to kick everyone out just as the party was really getting going. And (if you know me this will give you an idea of how awful I was feeling), I ended up looking after the friend's 2 and half year old devil child all night. Said friend is now sporting several nasty looking bruises but thankfully they will disappear. The scars of looking after the baby may take longer to heal.
I'm really busy at the moment so don't think I'll be posting much this week. I'll be in Mendoza next week for a short trip as well. Once I have more free time, I'll be back to more regular blogging.
Happy New Year! Enjoy the photos and videos.
This photo was taken without flash just before the end of the display. It was pretty bright.
Twilight mode on my camera created some pretty odd images.
Hi Matt, Happy New Year!! while you had an amazing New Year's Eve (except for your friend's accident), Brendan and I were in Massachusets in the cold. The First Night at Chatham (Cape Cod) got cancel. It was 0°F and a lot of snow. I really missed the fire works here in Valparaiso. I thought I would be pleased with the ones in New England but they got cancel even in Boston because of the bad weather. I saw your pictures and videos and the fire works in Valparaiso and they look amazing! Thank you so much for loading the video with the end of the fire works, which is always the best part of all. Those big bright lights really get my heart going!!! Every year I get tears with them! (I know, such a South American Soap Opera Drama Queen). Take care and I hope to see you soon! Enjoy the summer!
Hey Veronica, Happy New Year! I was wondering what had happened to you guys but guessed you must have been away as Brendan's phone was turned off.
Shame everything was cancelled in Boston and it was so cold. Here it was warm and everything went off fine :)
I don't think anywhere will ever compare to Valpo's new year fireworks. It's not just the 25 minute long show, it's the spectacular setting and the awesome noise of the explosions crashing around the hills. Brilliant.
Hope you get to see them next year!
I'm really sorry to read that you have closed the party because of me. And you should have said that you spend the entire night with the baby and even you've been caught spleeping with him in front of TV. It's a shame that Ally didn't take pictures of that very very unique moment....
well it wasn't because of you, it was because of the accident. no one's fault except maybe the carpenter...
And Allie tried to take photos but I refused. No photographic evidence! A night to remember/forget :)
Coming back next year?
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