Corrugated City

Tuesday 19 June 2007

I was wrong...yey

In my last post, i might have possibly insinuated in a round about way that the government didn't care about the loss of the Troles in Valpo ("the government doesn't give a flying fuck"). Thankfully, i was wrong. A last minute deal has saved the Troles and the government has promised large wedges of cash to make sure the company doesn't die again.

Un millonario aporte comprometió oficialmente el Gobierno para salvar los tradicionales troles de Valparaíso, con la firma de un convenio realizado ayer en la Plaza Sotomayor.
El acuerdo fue suscrito por autoridades del Ministerio de Transportes y la empresa Trolebuses de Chile, y considera recursos por un monto superior a los mil millones de pesos, que se hará extensivo por los próximos años.
En definitiva, el Estado ingresará como socio en la operación, al comprar -a través de Corfo- 16 trolebuses con valor patrimonial, comprometiéndose a repararlos y mantenerlos.

A basic translation would be that the government has promised multi-million ( in chilean pesos) support for the Troles to save the traditional Troles of Valpo, after officially signing the agreement in the Plaza Sotomayor yesterday. The deal was underwritten by the Transport Ministry and promises resources of around us$2 million aover the next few years. The state will become a an active partner in the company after buying, through CORFO (the development agency) 16 culturally important Trolebuses and promising to repair and maintain them.

big cheer for the government. i guess the transport ministry wanted some good press after the Transantiago disaster.

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