Corrugated City

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Fruit and Veg: The Best Thing About Chile. Also Good In The US, Apparently.

Now if you're interested in investing in a fruit farm in Chile, you might want to take a look at Chile Investments.

But if you've ever wondered what it might be like to lose your job as a print journalist and end up working 18 hour days on a fruit orchard and farmers' market in the Chicago area, you might be interested to learn that infrequent commenter and all-round fruit lover Dan is about to start his third season in just such employ. This year he's even looking to be sponsored. Good luck with that.

If a fruit based snark-fest is something that tickles your fancy, you could do worse than go and read the archives over at Fruit Slinger and hope that this year's customers are as idiotic as last year's.

1 comment:

Allison Azersky said...

Seattle. Best peaches ever. Don't take that lightly.