One of my favourite blogs out in blogolandia is Robert's
Line of Sight. I check over there most days as there's almost always something interesting to read about. He's recently been running a series of posts on the cupulas or domes of Buenos Aires and is planning on making up a PDF pamphlet of the best. Despite my nagging, he's so far neglected to include the dome from my former residence in BA, the huge old building on the corner of Paraná and Rivadavia. I've always loved this dome as, to me, it resembles a German face from WWI with cool 'tache, little beard, down-turned mouth and spike-y helmet.
One of the things i most miss about Buenos Aires is my flat in this building. It was beautiful and a really great neighbourhood to live in, just off the Avenida de Mayo near Congress. It's been a wrench to sell but it's gone to friends so we know we can go back and see the old girl from time to time.
Below are some photos of the building, a close up of the dome and some views from the roof. Enjoy the photos and then go annoy Robert and get him to include it in his list :)


El Palacio Barolo

La Inmobiliaria

ok, ok... I succumb to the pressure :) Actually, I planned on including it but haven't been able to get a decent enough photo. I even found another one day walking home from the dentist... there are really a lot more than I realized.
Rest easy though. It's in the list :)
I meant to say "another one today"... my fingers don't do what my brain tells them to sometimes.
well i'm glad i got through to you..!! i think i'm going to try and find a theme here in Valpo...domes aren't a big part of chilean architecture so i'll have to find something else. i've got a couple of things in mind. Once i'm actually, finally, back living in my house in a few days i'll have more time in the city to dedicate to wandering around.
BTW, do you have any idea who the architect is & what year it was built? Or do I have to check out the façade? :)
There's always a certain detail to pay attention to. I think my next series is going to be pasajes.
i'm pretty sure the architect was called Angel Bollini. I've done a search for him and can't find much other than this link here to acceder-it mentions another building on av de mayo but not this one. i think it was built around 1929. i used to have a pamphlet with more info but i handed it over when i sold.
i remember searching for the building online when i was living in argentina and i actually found some info that i can't find now-it's had various uses over the years, from government offices to the HQ of the CGT (i think or it might have been another one of the big unions). Evita allegedly had an office in the building-after all it is opposite the theatre where she was said to have first performed in BA.
This thread here on skyscrapercity has a tiny bit of info (and some great photos of other BA buildings).
if you find anything out, let me know! I'm pretty sure we're going to BA at some point in the next 2 months so if you're around and want to have a poke around the building there shouldn't be a problem. The interior distribution is completely different to the original as the entire building was renovated in 1998 but there are still some cool details in the common areas and an awesome view of the dome of the Basilica next door from my old flat.
Bollini would have just been the builders. Even though their name doesn't get many hits, it's plastered over a lot of bldgs in BA. I wonder who the architect is. I'll take a stroll by tomorrow & see if there's any clue on the façade.
The photos of La Inmobiliaria are spectacular. You can never judge the height of a dome unless you're on the same level. Even far away it's difficult. I looked in some architecture books today but came up empty. The pieces are out there; it's just a matter of finding them.
Definitely invite me up for a few pics!
yeah, the views from the roof are really good, especially of la inmob as it's directly opposite. those photos were taken quite a while ago now, probably over 2 years, and there's been a bit of work to both the barolo and the inmob since then, cleaning of the exterior mainly. the teatro liceo next to the building has also been completely renovated. I miss a few things in BA- most i can do without. But if there's one thing i really miss, it's living in that flat...a great space, cool building and lots of good times!
Ok, I checked it out today & the architect was indeed Angel Bollini (fancy signature too). Props to you. I'm used to seeing his family name as the builder. No date was anywhere to be seen so that still stands at 1929. Maybe I can confirm that somewhere.
The date is out there online, i just can't remember the search term i used to find info on the building. The address of the building is Rivadavia 1501 and Parana 26 btw-that might help with any search.
Was Bollini mainly just a builder then? Do you think there are more examples of his work as an architect or perhaps it was a rather spectacular one off?
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