Corrugated City

Sunday, 28 October 2007

Valparaiso, Capital de las Flores (for a couple of days)

As it's such a beautiful, sunny day we decided to have a quick asadito (little bbq). We headed off to the supermarket and came across a mini-flower show being set up. I think it starts tomorrow and will be here 'til Tuesday or Wednesday, down in Plaza Bellavista, next to Plaza Anibal Pinto. Here are a couple of photos (not the best quality, i only had my phone with me to take pictures)-they're setting up a display of flowers and plants to make a big, pretty picture....ahhhh...and they'll be stalls and whatnot as well.

We were hungry so we couldn't be bothered to buy a big piece of beef and wait for it to cook. Instead we bought some carne tártara which is the leanest ground beef. I chucked a few breadcrumbs, red onion and green chili into the mix and made burgers to be eaten with smoked bacon and pebre...hmmmm...

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