Anyway, below are some photos of the good kind of grafitti, all within 2 minutes walk of my house on Cerro Concepcion.
Don't know what that word means but the bottom line asks for the land-owner to die.
Your friendly, neighbourhood whorehouse
Mono-stereo. Mono means monkey in Spanish
Don't wait-just do it
The police is a joke
It's true
Suicide Notes
Blah blah blah and then Liberty to Mapuche Political Prisoners
International style
My friends the bears: Go Vegan
This is good stuff... The police is a joke. That's great. Are we copying each now? ;) I just posted a ton of graffiti pics. Maybe great minds think alike. That's it.
i posted this and then shortly afterwards saw you'd done the same post, BA-style...i thought i might get accused of guaton-copion-ness (a bit of chilean slang for you there)...
here in valpo there's tons more graffiti that i should take photos of...actually there's the museo al cielo abierto over on cerro bellavista which is one giant graffiti-art display from about 15 years ago. i haven't been in ages so i need to go back and take some photos.
this is a pretty good link to photos of the
The murals are very cool. I've been noticing a lot in BA lately (there are a bunch of neat paintings on the Hospital de Niños for example) but they are very difficult to photograph well. The painted houses made me think of my trip to La Boca on Sunday, & the hills remind me a lot of Lisboa. I'll definitely have to come over & check it out.
Oh, I love the graffitis of Valparaiso. You shouldn't say a problem when you speak about Chili graffitis.
"Girls never call" was one of my favourites. It says so much.
It seemed to me that the Chilean guys have tendancy for depression. "Me gustan todos pero soy muy feo" was one, and another (in English) "This long winter turns everyone against each other."
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