Corrugated City

Monday 13 July 2009


I stand out quite a lot in Chile- over 6 feet tall, white skin, blue eyes, 'blond' is not your average Chilean. And Chileans do love to stare, a trait they share with all their South American cousins. After close to six years, it really doesn't bother me at all. I normally use my foreign-ness to make my life easier in Chile and have become quite used to being stared at.

One thing I love about New York is that no matter what you look like and no matter what you're wearing, nobody else is even slightly interested in you. It's really liberating to start with...

But I don't think I could live my life being anonymous. I've actually grown to enjoy being a curiosity in South America. I'm happy in my own skin and don't feel self-conscious when people stare. It's nice that people recognise me and that I'm remembered when I go into shops and restaurants. I think it makes me feel a little special. And that makes me happy.


lydia said...

I feel the same now, though I hate people knowing where I live or in some cases when I feel like they;re staring for the wrong reasons.

I felt the same on my last time at home... like I just slipped by everywhere unnoticed. NY must be even worse haha.

Matt said...

yeah, when it's creepy it's a bit annoying but in general- and I say this as a guy- I don't find the staring to be creepy very often. I would think if I were a girl I might think differently.

NY is incredibly anonymous. It's nice for a short while but it would get me down after a while...

nyGRINGAinCHILE said...

it's not that nobody notices you in's just that you have to try so much that when you DO catch someone's eye, you feel proud opposed to chile where you feel proud if you manage to not get stared at by every person on the street! enjoy NYC...soudns like a great trip!

Unknown said...

As someone that is looking to move to Chile I am concerned with how it would be to work with Chileans on a daily basis being blonde at 6'1" 250 lbs. I hope things work out well. I guess since I will be working I should find little time to notice...

Meredith said...

second 50 on!

Allison Azersky said...

awww, mi rubiocito!

Matt said...

Lathama- yes, you'll stand out, you'll get stared at and you'll certainly hear comments directed towards you. Sadly, such is life for any girl in south america...I guess much depends on your outlook, whether it bothers you, whether you're capable of ignoring it etc.